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Podcasts : 11 December 2015

by on Dec.11, 2015, under Podcasts

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7 Comments for this entry

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    There are indeed a lot of people out and about in leopard print coats at the moment. Such a shame you had to relegate your gorgeous one for the season but can understand why. Look the tights for spicing up the outfit. x

  • http://www./

    Finalmente!!!Finalmente leggo cose sensate, scritte con linguaggio chiaro e non di parte! GRAZIE!! Sono molto attenta, da un mese in qua, a questa faccenda del concerto…Certo…'faccenda'…perchè si sta esagerando davvero, Ho un blog dedicato a Miguel Bosè,(ADORO MIguel dal 1978….!)e apprezzo tanto anche Juanes.La musica, in questo caso e in genere, è e deve essere AL DI SOPRA di ogni tipo di connotazione politica. Grazie ancora per questo post che segnalerò subito nel mio blog.CiaoAnna/mamyta

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    Your post was amazing and I want to use it on my own blog tomorrow! I was just going to provide the link but your words are incredible and I want to share them with my few readers. I write a post every Tuesday about being beautiful and how important it is for women to know and understand their Power as Women and Never Ever give it away! Beauty is so much more than being skinny and having great hair!Thank you for posting those words.You are an amazing mother!

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    I am 49 and into my second week of HGH Surge and would like to tell John RB that this stuff is worth a try. My wife would attest that it is helping me (us). I take only 1 or 2 of these large tabs just before bed, about 3 hours after last eating. I chew them up before swallowing with about 8 oz. of water. They do not taste like chicken but are tolerable. I then take another first thing in the morning and wait 2 hours before I eat. I have been sleeping longer and waking up a bit easier, sometimes “very easy”. My mood seems to be better too.

  • http://www./

    ciao sono una grande fan tua!!! volevo chiederti quando usciranno il 3°volume delle leggende del mondo emerso e il terzo della ragazza drago???grazie ancora…vale

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    Thought it wouldn’t to give it a shot. I was right.


    Para haver alternativa à esquerda torna-se necessário um terceiro partido, que consiga fazer o que fez a Aliança Social Democrata que concorreu às eleições, na Islândia. As classes médias preferem a social-democracia ao marxismo.

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